Friday, February 26, 2010


Heading to Chennai in a couple of hours to visit my awesome fellow fellows and run a marathon!  (By marathon, I mean 3.7 kilometers.  And by run, I mostly mean walk, 'cause I've been feeling under the weather lately...)  It should be a blast!  I'm excited to see good people and have good conversations and hugs.  And see Chennai!  I haven't done that yet!  Should be fun times.

The English Camp Session one is over and we've had two other sessions since then (I didn't participate much in those, since I got sidetracked with other work).  I will debrief on that excitement in the next post sometime next week.  I will say that if you have really really low expectations for something, it definitely increases the chances of them being met.  So...hooray?

I hope everyone's doing well state-side!  I've been reading some depressing news about our generation and about American politics and about unemployment.  It's all very sad, really. 

The time is now rushing too fast -- I can't believe it's the end of February!  Aaargh!  Where did the time go?!?  Only 4 months of the Fellowship left...  Crazy stuff!  (It also seems to be moving at an increasing pace...)

Much love.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

What I'm working on...

On Wednesday of this past week, one of the co-directors of RIVER, Mrs. Rao, had a brilliant idea: why not host a 3-day camp for 2nd and 3rd grade children in order to teach them essential lessons in English, in order to enable them to start the English program next year at a higher level than our 1st grade babies?

This idea had been discussed since November. As our lessons are based around multi-grade multi-level learning, it would be kind of silly to have all of the children start at level one the first year.  Thus, we decided to equip some children with the knowledge to start at the appropriate level for their age/grade level. 

However, the brilliance of the idea comes from the details: first, 3 days.  That really doesn't seem like enough days to cover two years worth of curriculum.  Secondly, 2nd and 3rd grade children.  That equals around 140 students.  And that is a lot of students for 5 instructors (which is how many we have to run the camp).  Thirdly, essential lessons in English include learning how to read.  In three days.  With a teacher:student ratio of 5:140*.  Brilliant.

The best part?  The camp will start on Monday, giving us approximately two days to prepare, as Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are all holidays here at Rishi Valley this week. 

So, this is my challenge of the week:
2 days to prepare
3 day camp
140 children
5 instructors
2 years worth of curriculum
kids all need to learn to read

Needless to say, I'm working through the 3-day weekend.  Can't wait for Monday. I'm hoping it'll be bloody brilliant.

*We've decided to split up the children in two groups. So, this reduces the teacher:student ratio to 5:70 or 1:14, which is much better.  Hooray.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Watching Bollywood in Rishi Valley

I don't know if any of you reading have had any experience in watching Bollywood movies, but it's quite a trip.

First, some fun facts. Bollywood is the largest film industry in the world. The name originates from the location where most of the filming takes place – Mumbai. The “B” comes from the old name Bombay. The -ollywood part comes from America. Most Bollywood films are in Hindi. Bollywood is not the only film industry in India. There is also Tollywood, in southern India, with the “T” deriving from the Dravidian languages spoken on screen, most notably Tamil (although Telugu is also thrown into the mix, along with Kannada and Mayalam from Karnataka and Kerala, respectively). Bollywood is huge and Indians love it. And I love it.

Another fun fact: another emerging film industry in the world is Nollywood of Nigeria. The movies are pretty hilarious, and not really in a good way. They are definitely worth a watch.

Bollywood movies are pretty awesome. A lot of them rival American films in drama and poignancy and acting. However, one ever-present characteristic is the fact that all the characters, along with hundreds upon hundreds of extras, will spontaneously burst into dance and song. It's kind of crazy. Think of watching American Beauty and then having everyone bust out into a pop song with NSYNC choreography. This stuff is nuts. However, it makes sense in the Indian context, and the viewers love it.

In my second or third week at Rishi Valley, a co-worker of mine, Kala, was kind enough to take me to the movies to watch Maghadeera, an action-packed Telugu film. Now, the film wasn't entirely philosophic, but it was a pretty hilarious action bit. Furthermore, it was pretty great, because I understood everything that happened even though the movie was entirely in Telugu. Good acting or the best acting? Exactly.

There were a few moments in the movie-going experience that were completely foreign to me. First, there was an actual velvet curtain in the theater. Haha. You got assigned seats. You could bring your own snacks. But, these are the little things. The big things included the fact that people openly cheered, whistled, and whooped all throughout the movie. (Awesome.) In addition, there was an intermission, when the movie was shut off. Crazy stuff. (This was appropriate, considering the average time of an Indian movie is more than three hours.) Also, the plot included lots of dancing. And singing. And badly (or greatly?) choreographed dance. It also included the characters all of a sudden appearing in the Swiss Alps and Zurich for one of their musical numbers. (My friends here have repeatedly told me that this is completely natural, because it's like they're in a “dream land”. When I tried to explain that Zurich isn't actually a dream land, but a real place with real people in it, they didn't get it. They're like, “But in the movie, it is like a dream. It is a fake place, like Candyland.” Um...okay. I guess. I still don't get it.)

In moments like the ones I experienced in the movie theater, you always wish you had a friend around. A friend from your context, with your schemas and expectations, whom you could look at and burst out laughing without having to say anything. The movie experience was awesome for bonding with Kala, but it also highlighted how foreign I am here, how there are some things that I will likely never understand.

Last weekend, I watched my second Indian movie, this time a Bollywood film with Amir Khan. (He's like the Brad Pitt of India or something like that, although I'm convinced he looks like what I'd imagine Jude Law's and Eminem's love child to look like, if one ever came to existence. He's hot, though. And does great/thoughful movies.) This time, I was at Rishi Valley, and the film, the name of which escapes me at this moment, was played for our senior school students.

The film contained a great lesson about friendship and the complexities of love. The actors were talented and showed a range of emotion. However, the movie also did not lack those whimsical pop songs and choreographed dances (Switzerland was replaced with scenes from Goa and Australia, this time), as well as the overly cheesy B rolls. Awesome stuff.

Yet, there was no intermission. And, at Rishi Valley, our students did not cheer, whoop, and holler. They laughed. Loudly. With me. They made fun of the overly cheesy portrayals of “love”. And they rolled on the floor during ALL of the singing/dancing scenes.

And you know what?

I felt right at home.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Speaking of other fellows...

I have forgotten to link this before, but you can read all about the other fellows' placements, projects, and experiences on the AIF Service Corps blog! 

I just contributed with my own reflections on my year here.

[P.S. Thanks for all who read my blog and send me their thoughts.  It's really great to hear from you!  :)  Sorry I haven't updated in a while -- I'll make sure to write some stuff about the travels/midpoint/getting back to Rishi Valley soon.]

Other awesome things going on in India

So, lots of fellows are working on all kinds of awesome things all over India, and I wanted to share one with you!

Kirsten, a fellow fellow in Chennai who has extended her fellowship from last year (meaning this is the second year she's been kicking ass and taking names), is making a DVD series for public schools in Tamil Nadu to help teach kids English.  The material is pretty awesome!  I urge you to check it out and support Kirsten, if you can!

The link below provides the project description, teaser video, links to imporant blogs, and just more information on this really cool project:

First and foremost...


Happy 27th, bro.  I hope everything is fawesome on your side of the world.

Yer sis.

P.S. Since I am unable to call you, I will use all kinds of social media to wish you a happy day today.  Mmmhmm.