Friday, December 18, 2009

Adventures abound!

For the next 16 days, I will be traveling.  My schedule is roughly as follows:

Dec. 19: fly out to Kolkata
Dec. 20-21: exploring Kolkata
Dec. 22-23: exploring Sunderbans Tiger Reserve and taking a night bus to Siliguri
Dec. 24: meeting up with fellow fellows - Behzad, Nicole, and Charlie
Dec. 25: greeting Anya at the train station and hugging a lot (Merry Christmas, indeed!  I love that girl!).  Heading out of Siliguri to either Darjeeling or Sikkim, depending on the political situation
Dec. 26: Day in Darjeeling or Gangtok, Sikkim
Dec. 27 ~ Jan. 1: Trek in the Himalayas.  Watch sunrises.  Appreciate all the beauty in life.
Jan. 2: Back to base.  Hang out, buy some tea and souveniers, get excited about 2010. Night bus to Kolkata
Jan 3: Day in Kolkata with Charlie and Anya (and maybe Behzad)
Jan 4: Early morning flight from Kolkata to Bangalore.  Inshallah, go back to Rishi Valley.  If border violence is still prevalent, stay in Bangalore, order a car to Rishi Valley for tomorrow and wait for Anya to arrive.  Eat at Pizza Hut.  Start working.

Not mentioned, but totally on the agenda: chicken and beers.

I will be tweeting my trip, since I now can using my Indian mobile phone.  You can follow at:
I've never really gotten into Twitter before, but maybe now that it's available on my phone on some Himalayan trail, it'll work.  We'll see...

Anyway, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone!  Much love from this side of the world.  Send me postcards and cookies to Rishi Valley, so I can come back to some holiday cheer.  :-D

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